Gift Aid Awareness Day (7 October)

The Charity Finance Group (CFG) has shared the below information with CTG in relation to Gift Aid Awareness Day on 7 October 2021.

Further information can be found in this detailed feature on Gift Aid Awareness Day and on the CFG website here, where a social media toolkit is now available to download.

#TickTheBox video project

CFG is calling on more charities to co-create a video for release via social media on 7 October. The charities can be from any sector, be any size and be located anywhere in the UK. Each charity would have a maximum of two to three spoken lines to deliver to camera from the script, creating video clips no more than 15 seconds in total length. CFG will be pulling the clips together to create a full film. CFG notes that it is flexible on approach but would like to discuss the creative ideas and which line(s) of the script would suit each charity best.

The video files would need to be submitted no later than Monday 20 September. Charities who wish to be involved should confirm their interest by emailing Emma Abbott.

Other Gift Aid Awareness Day activities

  • CFG also wish to share that the #TickTheBox social media toolkit should go live by Friday 20th August on its website.
  • CFG will also hold a webinar with HMRC on Gift Aid Awareness Day. CTG members may register their interest in advance by emailing Richard Sagar.