GASDS seminar with HM Treasury and HMRC

CTG members met today to discuss HMRC’s Call for Evidence on whether the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme is meeting its intended policy objectives.

Officials from HM Treasury and HMRC attended the event and took questions from CTG members on the consultation questions and the scope of the Scheme.


CTG’s response will aim to focus on for key areas:

  • Demonstrating the value of the Scheme to the sector and the opportunities for growth
  • Assessing the obstacles that charities face: what stops the scheme from being effective, or discourages charities from making claims
  • Identifying opportunities for improvement and improving accessibility
  • Improved guidance and understanding of the Scheme and how to make a claim

The deadline for responses is 2 March 2016 so please send us your thoughts ASAP. It is important to remember that this is an evidence gathering exercise in advance of a formal consultation on reform proposals, so we would encourage members to share as much data with the consultation team as possible.


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