Gift Aid awareness day (4 October 2018)

Gift Aid awareness day will take place on 4 October 2018.  This campaign is intended to raise awareness about Gift Aid among charities, staff, volunteers, donors, friends and families, particularly as it is estimated that up to £560m of Gift Aid goes unclaimed each year. CTG will be using social media and website updates that day and would welcome ideas from members about any content that you would find it useful for us to share.

The Charity Finance Group (CFG) is leading the promotion of Gift aid awareness day and has published a Gift Aid Awareness Day communications toolkit (zip file)The objective is to get every charity donor who is eligible to #tickthebox. Charities are encouraged to:

  • Hit people with the facts! Share infographics to your social and other communication channels using the hashtag #ticktheboz
  • Talk to your donors about Gift Aid. Why not remind donors of how and why they should be donating through Gift Aid?
  • Educate your organisation and volunteers. An FAQ sheet for volunteers and donors aims to simplify the process and explain how Gift Aid works. Please pass this on to your fundraising/marketing/comms teams to distribute and make sure Gift Aid understood across the board.
  • Make sure your Gift Aid declaration form is up to scratch. The toolkit includes HMRC’s Gift Aid declaration forms for you to ensure that you have all the information you need from donors to claim.