Updated GASDS community building schedules
The following HMRC schedule spreadsheets have been updated:
All of the spreadsheet schedules can be accessed here.
Both spreadsheets contain additional information, highlighted in red (and reproduced below), on how to complete the schedules.
- Don’t enter an amount over the GASDS limit of £5000 (for donations received before 6 April 2016) or £8000 (for donations received on 6 April 2016 onwards).
- GASDS are claimed by tax year – not on your accounting period. Please ensure you separate donations into tax years.
- GASDS must be claimed within two years. If it has been more than two years then your GASDS will now be out of date.
- Don’t change the layout of the schedule or change the name of the worksheet.
- Save the schedule as a .ods file not a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file, for example Gift Aid Jan 2014.ods.
- If any section isn’t applicable leave it blank. Don’t enter N/A or Nil.
- Don’t include blank spaces or other characters at the start or end of boxes.
- Don’t leave a blank row between donations.
- Stay within the maximum of 500 rows of donations.
- Enter values in pounds sterling including pence