CTG Expert Insight Session – Salary sacrifice and electric vehicles
With the current financial challenges that we all face is it time to thinking more about salary sacrifice schemes? These can benefit both employees and employers and provide an important chance to save money. It can also be an excellent way of advancing your charity’s ESG agenda.
The CTG Expert Insight Session on 14 September focused on salary sacrifice considerations relating to electric vehicles. Our speakers were Colin Jones, Fleet Manager, Cancer Research UK; Nick Bustin, Director of Employment Tax, Haysmacintyre; and Nick Fairman, and Bertie Morse from SG Fleet.
A recording of the session can be accessed here (approx 1 hour) and the slides can be accessed here.
Contact details for the the speakers can be found below and they will be happy for you to contact them to discuss issues raised in the webinar:
- Nick Bustin: nbustin@haysmacintyre.com
- Nick Fairman/Bertie Morse: NFairman@sgfleet.com/BMorse@sgfleet.com
- Colin Jones: Colin.Jones@cancer.org.uk
CTG runs a programme of monthly training sessions, open to all members, on topical tax issues for charities. Launched in 2021, the meetings take place in a virtual format and take place for an hour at the end of the day. Sessions are addressed by expert speakers with a mixture of presentations and panel discussions.
Slides and recordings of recent sessions on the future of the tax system, VAT developments, Making Tax Digital for VAT, Employment taxation, Business Rates, Payroll Giving, Tackling the Gift Aid Gap, donor experiences of Gift Aid and tax issues for small charities can be found here.