Support the Charity Tax Group (CTG) with a voluntary membership payment
The Charity Tax Group (CTG) is the only organisation working exclusively on charity tax issues and plays a crucial role in representing the interest of charities to key decision makers in Government.
CTG is a not-for-profit organisation and funding supports our lobbying work on behalf of the sector, the provision of newsletters and website resources as well as the co-ordination of the Gift Aid and VAT working groups and other events.
We need your help so that we can continue to get the best deal possible for charities on tax. Without that support and the help of other member charities that simply will not happen. Donations and subscriptions from professional firms are our only source of income.
On average smaller charities contribute £200-£500, medium size charities contribute £500-£900 and larger charities contribute over £900 a year. Please give as much as you can this year to help us achieve a fairer and simpler tax system for all charities.
Invoice: Support CTG with a voluntary membership payment in 2024
For payments by BACS our bank details are as follows (please send us remittance advice):
- Account name: Charity Tax Group
- Sort Code: 60-83-01
- Account Number: 20 48 54 85
- Bank name: Unity Trust Bank
If you are not currently a member of CTG you can register here to gain full access to the website and our regular newsletters.
Thank you for your support!