Consultation on General Data Protection Regulation exemptions

In May 2017, the Department for Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS)  published a consultation, calling on businesses and charities alike to offer their views on potential exemptions within the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation.This consultation has now closed.

CTG responded, highlighting the need for the implementation of the GDPR to recognise the practical implications for charities at an operational level, where there are conflicting obligations to contact donors for administrative reasons. The response also called for further discussions between HMRC, the ICO and charities to establish what is and is not permitted in respect of donor contact and Gift Aid.

GDPR came into force in the UK on 25 May 2018 and has wide implications for charities. CTG worked closely with its Gift Aid practical issues working group members to produce guidance for charities on Gift Aid, which can be read here.